Now I know I've got your attention. For awhile I didn't know if anyone was listening
out there, but low and behold, here you are, reading these words, reading for an influx
of information. Something is happening out there. People are beginning to use
psychedelics as a real tool in their lives. They see that the insights gained while
tripping can be used in real life for effective and better living. It's true! We are taking
our lives into our own hands.
If you are one of those people who feels this way, but thinks you're the only one, YOU'RE
NOT. There are other people other there. Get online and get connected. Go to my links
and find the message boards, the mailing lists, the hoards of people out there like us who
just happened to be scattered too far throughout the globe for you to notice. There IS life
out there and it's right under your nose!
Psychedelics are tools like everything else on this planet. If we can learn to live in harmony
with them, we can reach great heights. We are humans, tool using creatures,
like others on this planet, and we intend to further our minds in any way possible. Don't let
them control your mind, if it's the only thing you do.
All of the information on this site is here to help you do that. So further your mind and think
for yourself and get to reading!
Early Hinduism worshipped a God called King Soma, which was actually a
hallucinogenic plant. They used this plant for sacrifices and as a
sacrament to reach their own union with God. Many other cultures have done
this too. Don't let them tell you it's bad! It's natural, and it's been around for
way longer than we have!
Hinduism is great. God is everything and everyone. Love them as such and
treat them that way. Tantra is also the way to go. Everything you do can be
used as a catalyst to reach God. Good and bad are relative terms and the value
of anything is determined by how much you can learn from it and how much closer
it can get you to nature/god/universe/unity.
"There is as much faith in your little finger right now as there is in
all of India." -- Ram Dass
what a thought...
Take a rest on my soft grass and peruse through my collection of information
detox your understanding of LSD and psychedelics here.
check out Ram's corner
Every book you've ever been looking for can be ordered from here.
Eastern Spirituality |
The life of an ascetic The eight stages of yoga. | Buddhism and Psychedelics Articles from "Tricycle, The Buddhist Review |
The Cosmic Couple Shiva and Parvathi with their son Ganesha | Hallucinogenics in Eastern Spirituality A paper I wrote |
Nataraja Hindu mythology and symbolism regarding Shiva as Nataraja, The Lord of Dance | Psychedelics--how they are relevant to Eastern (or any) Spirituality |
The Goddess in me is the Goddess in you. Get in touch with your feminite side. | Detailed explanations of the chakras, their symbolism and verses from the Upanishads that pertain to them. Pictures too! |
Nature of Reality |
A Great way to feel at all times. Warning: intesive graphics | Nature of Reality My comments on the aforementioned |
The Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley | Exerpts from Be Here Now by Baba Ram Dass |
Belief Take the nature of reality one step further |
Facts I have found to be true about LSD | Myth or Monstrosity? The Real Deal on the strychnine myth. |
WATER Thanks to my friend Water, here is a large and getting larger database of files offering great information on every drug imaginable. | Wondering who should do LSD? Well, even if not, you should still read this. |
Psychedelics and Mysticism A paper connecting psychedelic use with mystical experiences. | Intoxication Archives Trip reports, ramblings, and revelations while inebriated. I'm not exactly proud of everything i've written here, but oh well.... |
Datura used in Egypt and Mesopotamia. | Hofmann, his involvement in the psychedelic movement, the discovery of LSD, Wasson, Mexico, Psilocybin, and morning glories. This is how it all went down.... |
Psychedelic YogaThe application of traditional Yoga meditation techniques while under psychedelic experiences |
Links and Others |
Revolution A little rant on revolution/conspiracy/blah...well, you know. | TALK!!! to me now. The revolution continues with ICQ |
This is what I am here to tell you | Links relevant to the topics discussed here |
Bibliography References and links unrelated to the subject matter | Disclaimer Do I really need this? |
Mission Statement 'nuf said. |
my Dreambook! Sign my Dreambook! |
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