Do we “trip” naturally? Have we the chemicals in our brains already necessary for a psychedelic/spiritual experience? A yogi meditates and learns how to control the workings of his inner body so that he can understand and/or control the outside world. A hippie takes acid and suddenly understands the outside world, and on occasion experiences the siddhi powers yogis strive so hard for. Are these experiences intrinsically the same, simply triggered by a different catalyst? “A psychedelic experience is a journey to new realms of consciousness,”1 as explained by Tim Leary. “And universal consciousness, luminous and omnipresent, radiates in his heart: in this way he attains brahman,”2 as explained by the Upanishads. Doesn’t sound too different, does it?
Baba Ram Dass Be Here Now The Crown Publishing Group, New York
Strassman, Rick J., “Dharma and DMT Research” Tricycle New Jersey; The Buddhist Ray Inc, Fall 1996
DeGracia, Donald J., Ph.D. Psychedelic Drugs and the Awakening of Kundalini at 12-10-97
Smith, Michael. Amanita Muscaria as the God/Plant Soma of the Rigveda at 12-10-97
Jesse, Robert “Entheogens: A Brief History of Their Spiritual Use” Tricycle New Jersey; The Buddhist Ray Inc, Fall 1996
Varenne, Jean Yoga And the Hindu Tradition The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London
Leary, Tim, Ph.D., Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., and Richard Alpert, Ph.D. The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of The Dead University Books, New York, 1964