I am not here to impress you with my zany wit or my verbose language. I am not here
to take a stand no one has ever taken before. I do not claim to be distributing knowlege
that is unique or unavailable anywhere else. I am here to say things that I feel need
to be said. Things I think are talked about often, but distributed sparingly. I am not
doing this so that all of you reading this think that I am all knowing and full of insight
and great language skills. I am not writing an essay paper for English class. I am trying to
write conversationally so everyone will stick around, read some more, feel in tune, and maybe
even relate.
I realize that by not taking on an eloquent and all knowing tone in these writings, I may appear
less credible. People tend to believe you more if you sound smarter than them. I am not out to
sound smarter than you. I do not claim to be smarter than you. I took it upon myself to inform
myself of these things, and now I have taken it upon myself to inform you. I do not claim that
everything here is true beyond truth. I have found it to be true in my searchings, but for your
own personal existence, none of this may be true.